Thursday, February 26, 2009

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

The Count Down Begins

Since the last entry on the wedding, it is now to 1month 2 weeks and 4days!!! Time sure passes by fast. Well, Val and i have been preparing and marking off the items we need to do and need to buy or organise. From helpers list to guest list to bridesmaids' dresses, to the floral arrangement for Church. God has been there all the time to help us through the processes and have bless us with friends who have bless us with so many ways.

As I count the days to that special day, i have been thinking and praying about life as a married man and a husband. Thinking about what are my roles and responsibilities, what are my weaknesses that i need to overcome and what type of changes i need to make in my lifestyle as Val and I exchange our vows. It is not a "play play" or rountine vows, it is a serious vow to each other and especially with God and I got to make sure i remember it and make sure i follow through or improve on it. All these of course i cant do it myself, I will need God to teach and guide me and change me from within in any area that needs changing.

So what have we been up to besides guest list, one of the most anticipated things we did was our prewed shoot which happened before CNY. Below is a collage of it but if you want to see more, the link is here