Saturday, March 15, 2008

BMW Driving Experience

I registered for BMW 520 Driving Experience and attended the event on thursday morning with Patrick and Gary. We get to try out the new BMW 520 and test it's agility and braking power. Overall, the 520 is quiet, stable and yet still agile.

Me, Gary and Patrick

It is true

For those at work who have heard and those who left and also have heard, i am leaving Ghim Li. I think it should not be a surprise that i am leaving, i have been in GL for 3yrs it's time for me to move on and see more of the corporate world.
Looking back, GL has thought me alot of things and it is where i will always remember where i first stepped into the working world, where I was given the opportunity to learn and lead a team. during my time here, i have made many friends and because of these, it sort of makes me sad that i am leaving.
Well, as much as it contradicts it is true. all the best to all GL staff, work hard!!!