Hmmmmm, what shall I update about? The incident with Jane's friend has passed, though humanly still bitter about it. So let's talk about more interesting stuff. For example, let's talk about my love, Valerie, no it is not vivian it is Valerie, for people who only remember the first alphabets of peoples names. =p
It has been almost 2 months since Valerie and i have gotten together, life has been fun, funny things happen and interesting things about one another pops up hahaha.
Work wise, things are abit stagnant, trying to sort out processes, workflows especially for the IT services part. Hard to implement something when managers of different department are not seeing the benefits of new policies and workflows.
Heidi will be gone soon and heidi's replacement will be here in 2months time. I wont say what it is yet, for those who know "shhhhhhhh". I am starting to think of things to enhance it's performance, so i shall call it "Project C". I will list my things to do soon. of course safety is one of the factors. So hint hint: rims and tyres.