Remember I said i want to exercise and have a goal of losing some weight? Well, i was lazy and one day, i got an sms to book my ippt before my birthday. Guess what, the sms came 3months after my I am put into remedial training in the army. It is a 8session training, wednesday evening from 6pm-10pm and saturday 4pm-8pm. sounds very shiong right? *puke*
First session was on saturday, went there at 4pm, waited like till 445pm then we went to the lecture for some introduction and dos and donts of the camp. after that, went for warmup, after warmup, we split into 2 groups(more than 100guys of all shape and sizes). one group went to the gym for orientation of the gym while the other group went for a orientation run(suppose to be 10km but all bs). BTW that day was when Singapore PSI was all time high of 150. Well, we only ran like 500metres, and was told to sit around and wait for our turn for orientaion to the gym. we waited for like 30-45mins!!! in the open where i almost couldnt see the running track properly due to the haze.
Second session was ok, we did 20mins run round the track and hit the gym but due to too many people, i could only complete one set of all the equipment. Third session was not planned at all, they group phase 1 and phase 2 people and on the spot thought of impromptu exercises to do that was after we sat in the sun on a hazy day for 15-20mins after we did our warmups.
Yesterday session also the same. We warm up and sat down, ran 18mins, sat down again and wait another 15mins before we had a lecture on running techniques, breathing techniques, jumping techniques etc etc.
So how much weight can I lose and whether I can pass the IPPT on the 8th session, i have no confidence.....but at least it got my body moving and I can try to slow go back to running and gymming, my planet fitness membership will last another 1and a half years man......